Saturday, February 5, 2011

Washington Presidency Cont.

We will view this video together to see Hamilton and Jefferson discuss many of the disagreements below.

Regular Social Studies-  Read pgs 310-317 in the text book.  Focus on such subjects as Jay's Treaty, Citizen Genet, Pickney's Treaty, and Washington's Farewell Address.  Be prepared to answer questions on these subjects.
EAH---You will then be given a packet to read over.  You will have all class to read it, but if you are not able to complete the reading in class, you may find the reading on Moodle. 

It is located under the top section, then under 'resources'.  Then click on 'America--book' and the reading is found on pages, 296-302 (book pages)...(or pgs 319-326 if you type in the box at the top).  The Reading starts with Citizen Genet and ends with Pickney's Treaty (included).

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