Monday, November 29, 2010

The Enlightenment

On your own sheet of paper, answer the following questions on the Enlightenment.  Use your computers to research the answers with a partner.  Please make sure you answers the questions entirely.  You have the entire class to complete this assignment.  We will discuss the Enlightenment tomorrow.  Here are a few sites for your may need others also.

1.  What was the Scientific Revolution?

2.  What was the Enlightenment?

3.  John Locke,  a philosopher during the Enlightenment, believed in natural rights.  Define Natural Rights.  What were the three main natural rights?  (Google "john locke natural rights")

4.  John Locke also believed in a SOCIAL CONTRACT between a government and the people.  What was this agreement?  (Google " locke social contract agreement")

5.  John Locke believed that if the government broke this agreement (social contract) that the people had the right to do what...?  Why?  (Google "locke social contract revolution")

6.  What Enlightenment philosopher believed in the "common good" or "general will"? (Google "enlightenment philosopher general will")

7.  What does the "common good" mean?  Do you believe in doing things for the 'common good'?  Why or why not?

8. This philosopher also stated that "people have the right to make the laws that they have to follow".   What does that statement mean? 

9.  Another philosopher was Voltaire.  What was he known for?

10.  How did these Enlightenment ideas affect the formation of the United States (Constitution)?  (Google "enlightenment idea US constitution")

11.  How did John Locke and his ideas affect the writing of the Declaration of Independence?  Give specific examples.  (Google "John Locke Ideas in Declaration of Independence)

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