Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chenault/Meldon 9.28.10 = Plymouth

Colonial House - Make sure your assignment is finished from yesterday - It is due on Wednesday

Jamestown - Review of new Vocabulary and questions

New work
4.2 - New Vocabulary sect, Puritans, Pilgrims, Mayflower Compact, Squanto

Read pgs. 98-102 and do all the reading checks along the way

Read the Mayflower Compact on page 100 and answer the questions that follow.

Extended Response Question: Compare the colonies of Jamestown and Plymouth.  Be sure to include why they came to the new world, the way the colony was set up and their interactions with the natives.


kat,jon said...

Indigo Hall, Jon Kat, Savannah Cunningham

a: the colonies of Jamestown came to the new world because they wanted to make money. the colonies of Plymouth came to the new world because religiuos freedom.

they both came from Europe in a boat. They also both brought trade and diseases.(the Columbian Exchange). They both had reasons to go to the new land. they both sometimes got along and some tmes not so much.

bmmahoney1997 said...

The colonies are alike because both got along well with the natives and brought new things like food and different techniques on how to do things and they both taught taught eachother many different things.

There differences are they both came for different reason is jamestown came to make more money.The colonies of plymouth came because to get religouse freedom and escape prosocution from the english leaders.

Nick W said...

Located in modern day Virginia

Founded by Londen company

Came for gold

Founded in 1607

Were not ready for hard work expected to find gold right away
Located in modern day Massachsetts.

Founded by the pilgrims.

Came for religous freedom.

founded in 1618.

Were ready to work hard in order to survive.

Both were permenate english coloines.

Both came in early 1600's

Both recived help from indians then mistreated them.

RTBearcat said...

4.A Religion and church influenced the government because it was a law that citizens had to take 3 to 4 years of religion

5.A Dear Netherland,

The great migration is great! 1 way it is great is because there is a freedom of religion. also there is a large number of english citisenz leaving for the americas so i should be just fine.

mariah mccarthy said...

Jamestown offered a good defensive position. Warm climate and fertile soil allowed large plantations to prosper.
Plymouth provided an excellent harbor. Cold climate and thin, rocky soil limited farm size. New Englanders turned to lumbering, shipbuilding, fishing and trade.
So the differnce would be the climate and the working being done.

Fletcher,Megan said...

One differendce is james town came to america because they wanted to find gold and become rich, but Pymouth came to america for religious reasons. they wanted religious freedom.

they both came to america and brought trading goods and diseases(Columbian Exchange). Also they both sometimess got along with the indian but then allso sometimes didnt get along with them.