Thursday, September 2, 2010

Meldon EAH 9/2

First Graded Homework Assignment.  Please make sure you put your CORE in your response.

Comment Your Answers To the Question Below.  Make sure you answer all parts of the question and answer it to the best of your ability using your own words.

Define Direct Democracy and Representative Democracy.  Explain why the United States uses a Representative Democracy rather than a Direct Democracy. 


Becca J said...

A direct democracy is where every voting citezn votes for every issue. A representitive democracy is where the voting citezns will vote on different people. These people will then vote on the acutal issues in representation of the people that voted for them. The united stats has to use a representive democracy because of how large our population is. It would be very hard if every citean had to vote for every issue that the united states has.

Core C

tyler w said...

*CORE C* Direct democracy is when everybody votes on everything. Greece used this in there government. Representitave democracy is when every body votes and one person (the president) to vote on everything. America is a Representitave democracy. We're a representitave democracy because the US is such a big country and a high of population. If everybody in america went to the polls to vote on everything it would be just too chaotic. Greece on the other hand wasn't as big so Direct worked great for their small country.

TaylorH.(: said...

A Direct Democracy is when the citizens vote on every issue and everything else. A Representitive Democracy is when citizens vote for Representitives to vote for them. The United States chose a Representitive Democracy because we are such a large place that every person cannot vote on every single issue.

Core: C

Audrey H. said...

A Direct Democracy is a government where everyone votes directly and on every issue. A Representitive Democracy is a gov. where everyone votes for a repersentitive to vote for them. The U.S.A has a representitive democracy because there are so many people and states it would take a long time to get everyone to vote.

Core C

Dominic S. said...

Core C, EAH

A representative democracy is a government that is composed of representines of the people, and a direct democracy is citizens voting for laws in person instead of through representives. The US uses a representive domocracy because the population of the US is too big for every single person that can vote vote in person, that is why we use a representive democracy.

Beth B said...

A direct democracy is when every citzen votes on every issue.
A representive demcracy is when every citzen votes on reps for there state then the reps get to vote on every issue. The USA has a very big population so its very easy for them to have reps for our country.

Brittany B. said...

In a direct democracy every citizen votes on every issue, but in a representitive democracy the citizens vote for people to represent them in the issues. The United States of America uses a representitive democracy because there is to many people in the country to have everyone vote on every issue.

Andrew H said...

A Direct Democracy is when every citizen who can vote will vote for every issue. A Representitive Democracy is where the citizens vote for a representative to vote for laws for them. The United States uses a representative democracy because if every citizen had to vote for every law or issue, the vote counters would count over millions and billions of votes which would take way to long.

John W said...

A direct Democracy is when the people vote for directly for a law or change in goverment. Athens had a direct dmocracy since its small population. A representative democracy is when the people for representatives like a senat or parlament. When they vote for these representatives the representatives vote for laws and changes in goverment that in a direct democracy the people voted for directly. Rome had a representative democracy. The reason why America isnt a direct democracy is because the population of America is too much for U.S citizens to pass all the laws.

Andrew H said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cassie S. said...

Core C
A direct democracy is a democracy were the citizens vote on everything that has to do with the government. A representative democracy is a democracy where the citizens vote for people vote for representatives to vote on govermental issues for them. The U.S. uses a representative democracy because there are to many citizen to vote on everything.

Mason G. said...

A Direct Democracy is where all citizens in the country vote on everything.The United States however though, is too big to use that type of goverment.
it's too large of a population. That is why we use a Represenitive Democracy is where the citizens elect officals to make the decesions in our favor. To help the citizens.

MeganH said...

A Representative Democracy is a goverment led by officals who are chosen by the people. A Direct Democracy is where the citizens vote on every issue. The United States uses a Representative Democracy rather than a Direct Democracy because it would be hard for every citizen to vote on each issue the United States has.

Core C

Allie R said...

Representative democracy is a government that is led by people that the citzens have choosen to represent them. Direct Democracy is a government that the people vote on every issue. The United State uses a Representative Democracy because there is too many people in the United States for all the people to come together and vote on all the problems our country has. So our country votes for people that we think will represent us in what we think is right.

Nate E said...

a direct democracy is where every one will vote. a represtitive democracy were citizens vote on educated people to vote on ideas and laws. the untid states uses a representitive democracy because of are population, it would be crazy if every person voted on every law it would not be efficent

EAH meldon

Rachel H. said...

A Direct Democracy is a type of government where every eligable citizen votes on every single issue that is brought up.A representative demochracy is a demochracy is when the people vote for people to handle the issues. The people that get voted then vote on the issues for the people of that country. We don't use a dirct demochracy because it would be way to hard to bring in every eligible person to vote on every single issue because our population is so big. It also wouldn't work because of the way we use Federalism. It would be way to difficult, so we use a representative demochracy instead. :)Core C

John W said...

Core C

kristen l said...

A direct democracy is where all voting citizens vote on every issue. A representitive democracy is when voting citizens vote for a representitive and their representitive votes for the issues the voters don't need to. The U.S. has the representitive because the U.S. has such a large population. This method makes voting more conveient for the voters, so they dont have to vote on every issue.
Kristen Lippert

Brady D said...

A direct democracy is a democracy where everyone has a say on everything. A represenative democracy is a democracracy wherte citizens choose a person to represent them in government and vote for them. We use a represenative democracy because we have to many people to have a direct democracy.

Allie R said...

Core C EAH

Andrew H said...

Mr. Meldon I'm Core C i forgot to write it in my comment

MadisonT said...

A direct democracy is where every person in a country with voting rights votes on every law, road, everything. A representative democracy people elect a representative to vote on the smaller things for them but they get to vote on some of the bigger things. The U.S. uses a Representative democracy because there are to many people in the U.S. with voting rights, and to vote on everything would make getting anything done impossible.

Michael F. said...

A direct democracy is a government where all of the citizens have an individual say in what laws are made and how they are enfoced. A represenative democracy is where citizens vote for a represenative to make decisions on laws for them. In the United States we have a represenative democracy because we have so many citizens that the system wouldnt be quick or proficient enough to make important decisions on laws.

Brock S said...

*core c* A direct democracy is when every elligible citizen votes on and for everything. A representitive democracy is a government run by ellected officials. The United States Has a representitive democracy because the Population of the U.S. is very large and it would be very hard for each and every elligible adult to vote for every candidate and on each issue.

Josh H said...

Mr.Meldon I was absent during this S.S class. I hope I can create a comment for it to actually count.

A direct democracy is when everyone votes on every issue together. A Represenative Democracy is what the U.S uses because there is too many people to gather at one spot to vote on everything.

A Represenative Democracy is when elected officials represent the issues being voted on.

holt. said...

A direct democracy is were everyone votes on every issue.A representative is a government led by officials who are chosen by the people. They use a representative rather than direct because so that we dont have to vote on every issue.

kleinholz said...

A direct democracy is where evry one votes on an issue and a reprsintive democrayis where people vote on othe people to go vote for them. the united states has a reprsintive democracy.

ParkerD said...

Mine was under Chenault-Core C

A Direct Democracy is a Democracy in which all citezens of the country vote for every governmental issue.

A Represenative Democracy is a Democracy in which the Citezens of the country elect representatives to vote for issues.

The United States uses this Democracy because of the mass amounts of people in the contry. If there was a Direct Democracy there is no way anything would get done fast because the entire country would have to vote. Direct Democracys are better for smaller countries.

AshleyB said...

A direct democracy is when every citizen can vote for every issue. A represenative democrazy is where the citizens vote for representitives who vote on issues. The united states chose to use a representitve democracy becuase u.s population was way to large to have every citizen vote on every issue.